Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How WE Do US!

Okay. First things first. This is a BLOG. I'm going to share real- life, relationship experiences with you so don't expect me to be all grammatically correct & shit. Yes. I will use profanity at will. I'm no saint in private so I won't pretend to be one in public. Now I think we're ready.

I've started THIS blog because many continue to ask me how Johnny & I have "stayed together" so long. I wish I could say it's been as simple as using super glue but that's just not the case! There have been PLENTY of hits & misses, ups & downs, knives & swords. Being together this long (going on 7 years if you include dating) takes work. Being-in-love doesn't mean you're in love every damn day. Feel me?

In this relationship, Johnny & I are two sides of the same board. We are polar opposites but still meet in the middle. He's the true extrovert. The dangerous, daring one. The care-free one, often telling me "you worry too much." I'm the cautious one telling him to "be more careful." I am outgoing too as long as my life isn't threatened in the process. LMAO! I'm the one who thinks ahead, likes to plan, etc. Where we are alike is our love of living & trying new things! We refuse to not be together, so we've had to find ways to co-exist.

Johnny pushes me to face my fears & let go. Hell, the other night he had me IN HEELS on his motorcycle. Kicking & screaming in objection, I soon found myself on I-40 headed downtown. And what do you know? I had a great night & returned home safely (in the same heels). Recently, I rode with him & about 300 other bikers to an event honoring other fallen bikers. Never rode with a group this size. Never been on a bike so long in one day. But I soo enjoyed myself that I've decided to continue to learn how to ride on my own. For now I'm stuck to touring the drive way.

 Relationships require compromise. You can't always have things your way or cause the other person to conform to your ideals. Johnny & I are both stubborn so this was a lesson learned the hard way! There has to be give & take from BOTH parties. Try things that your partner likes to do. Life gets boring doing things the same way over & over! I am a better person because I'm with Johnny. The laughs, the headaches, the joys, and tears have all helped me- well both of us- to grow.

 I'm giving my 1.5 cents for now but I hope he will contribute at some point. You see Johnny's not the type to give a damn about people knowing how WE do US! I don't really care either, I just like to write. And since people have asked me about US so often, I thought sharing would be nicer than saying "none of your freaking business." So If you wanna keep up with us, make sure you become a follower of the blog. If not, oh well. And if you have a question about relationship specifics from our point of view, ask at your own risk! We'll give you romance OUR way! Toodles =)

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